IORC Mission

The mission of Idaho Organization of Resource Councils is to bring people together to build grassroots power through community organizing, leadership development and civic engagement, and take action to promote and protect health, safety, dignity and justice for frontline communities, including farm workers, and directly impacted communities.

Local Agriculture

We believe in building a strong local food economy by supporting farmworkers, ensuring safe working conditions and access to locally grown food. Through community organizing we build stronger connections with the community.

Issues We Care About

Agriculture & Food

Who we choose to buy our food from matters. Food connects us all and when our money is spent at a local store, directly from our farmers or ranchers, or the farmers market, we are creating a stronger local economy.

Idaho Immigrant Resource Alliance

For our Latinx, Immigrant, and Indigenous communities to be treated with dignity, honor their human rights, help create equal access and seek social justice in the midst of a global crisis.

Climate & Energy

Addressing energy needs and promoting sustainable practices can also yield economic benefits, such as job creation, reduced energy costs, and enhanced energy independence, ultimately strengthening local economies.

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Use your voice and help us protect farmworkers from extreme heat. Send your comments to OSHA!


During the 2024 Idaho Legislative session pesticide manufacturers proposed a bill that would have given them legal immunity if their products harmed neighbors, farm workers, farmers...

Idaho Organization of Resource Councils Events